EverGreen ZeroWaste partners with multiple municipalities for seasonal yard waste drop-off events:


Yard waste drop-off events begin Saturday April 20, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the 4th and Colorado parking lot. These events occur every other Saturday thereafter with the last one being September 21, 2024. Proof of residency within Carbondale’s town limits is required to participate in this program as it is funded by Town waste collection accounts.

EverGreen ZeroWaste staff will be on site accepting grass clippings, garden cuttings, weeds, leaves, orchard & garden crops, sticks, brush and branches (up to 2″ in diameter and 4′ in length). These items must be emptied from the bins or bags they are brought in. Plastic and paper bags are not accepted.

Event dates: April 20, May 4, May 18, June 1, June 15, June 29, July 13, July 27, August 10, August 24, September 7 and September 21. This summer event flows into the ongoing autumnal leaf drop and holiday tree recycling programs.


From April 27th through May 5th, the Town of Basalt will disperse large EverGreen ZeroWaste containers throughout the Town for yard waste collection. The locations are Willits Rugby Field, Wildwood Park, Cliff’s Hillside Park and Arbaney Park. This service is available 24/7 to residents, no commercial entities. Rules will be posted on site; please note, no bags are allowed.

In partnership with EverGreen ZeroWaste, the Town of Basalt also offers a yard waste drop-off event in October and early November. Similar to the summer yard waste event, the locations are dispersed throughout Town but they are accessible during staffed hours on weekends.


The Rio Grande Recycling Center is accessible 24/7/365 and has a drop-off container for leaves and grass clippings. These materials get composted. Users must empty bag and container contents through a grate over the roll-off bin which only allows smaller materials through. As such, bags, branches and brush are not accepted.

Throughout the year, Pitkin County Solid Waste Center will accept yard waste from anyone for a fee. Pitkin County residents receive annual coupons to be put towards disposal rates.

Glenwood Springs

Yard waste drop-off events are every other Saturday beginning on April 20 (dates below) from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (noon) at the Rodeo Lot, out near the airport. These events occur every other Saturday thereafter with the last one being September 21, 2024. Proof of residency within Glenwood Springs city limits is required to participate in this program. 

We accept grass clippings, garden cuttings, weeds, leaves, orchard & garden crops, sticks, brush and branches (up to 2″ in diameter and 4′ in length). These can be composted in paper yard waste bags or emptied from bins or plastic bags. Plastic bags are not accepted. 

2024 Event Dates: April 20, May 4, May 18, June 1, June 15, June 29, July 13, July 27, August 10, August 24, September 7 and September 21

This summer event flows into the ongoing autumn leaf drop and holiday tree recycling programs.

Throughout the year, South Canyon Landfill will accept yard waste from anyone for a fee. At the landfill there are two piles, one for brush & wood and the other for grass, leaves & small plants; both get composted.

Please see our Zero Waste Guide for the addresses and specific locations near you.

Alternately, you can compost yard waste in your backyard!

Aim for ½ green materials (like fresh grass clippings) and ½ brown materials (dried leaves and grass, shredded paper). Remember to turn the compost pile every 3-9 days depending on the time of year and add water if necessary. The moisture of your pile should feel like a damp sponge. Compost needs heat and the right combo of greens and browns for the micro-organisms breaking it down to thrive.